“Muttertongue is a linguistic and poetic cornucopia of inters: intercultural, intertextual, and interlocutory. Sound-poetry and sound-theory is here. What a pleasure to be allowed to listen in to Allen, Barwin, and Betts, to be here for such a vibrant and magical interchange.” —Wayde Compton, author of Toward an Anti-Racist Poetics
“A sonic ceremony scored for the page. Muttertongue invites us into its joyous and radical cacophony of words and images, collaborative experiments, and resistant portals of languaging that ‘(re) inscrib[e] a possibility for a new order.’ What a thrill to be a participant in this borderbreak of utterance!” —Liz Howard, author of Letters in a Bruised Cosmos
“muttertongue is an amayzing work lillian allen gary barwin n gregory betts have put 2gethr… in conversaysyun they talk abt theyr wayze in2 sound konkreet n vizual poetree how it happend as a relees from th constraints sumtimes felt with ordinaree langwage n th opnings they each in theyr wayze found in uses uv langwage that did elevate n escalate theyr awareness n practise furthr n byond anee linealiteez each had previouslee encounterd wundrful dscussyuns uv all thees transisyuns n passages n byond brillyant genius robust sampuls uv theyr work in these fields uv konkreet sound n vizual poetree that ar sew uplifting n carreeing thees works by allen barwin n betts dew transport byond byond with elegans piersing enerjee eloquens thees works cum 2 us seeld by onlee opn heartid loves uv th art n th viewr kaie kellough sz sum startling n wundrful words what is a word in his brillyant essay abt muttertongue brillyant superb genius awsum book find ths book opn it yu will love n admire n b up liftid” —bill bissett, author of its th sailors life/still in treetment mystery
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