Michael Moriarty is a distinguished American actor, a Dartmouth graduate, a Fulbright scholar, the winner of a Tony award and two TV Emmy’s. He’s written a mystery novel. He composes classical music, and is also an angry man living a life he would not trade with anyone…enraged at all who would cramp his style, crimp his spirit. This book is his autobiographical rehearsal for a life to come. He has seen a vision of contemporary America: a defanged language, cholesterol-brained politicians, whinging entertainers, neo-cons and con-artists, all of in-you-face America wearing a hairpiece. It’s been strangely cathartic for him—and it’s all in this polemic—a wild trip put down on the page in a clear authentic prose realizing the gift of those demons he’s made into angels: his freedom!
The Gift Of Stern Angels
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