His reflections are the hermetic musings of a man in search of himself, as if he were a pilgrim conquistador clanking across the sea of time in search of a lost Atlantis. At the mercy of mercurial seas, he perceives signs in the mirror. Star-struck, he and Eve bite and lick each other like puppies, unaware of predators. Though they will die walled inside their skulls, they are recovered alive in the alchemical vision of the unity of opposites . . . matter and spirit, dissolution and creation, the cosmos and contemporary life — alive as a single loop on the pyre, the burning stone that never dies.
Treatise on White and Tincture
Adamic man stands alone in a state of stasis, anticipating Eve’s arrival. He is at the dawn of the world, his eye listening to the silence, the empty whiteness that only he can colour with the music of his voice. Born out of the crucible by the cross, he becomes the ancient wanderer, adrift among his dreams. Primal memories and lightning and consecration lurk in his head as he and Eve are expelled from the garden.
Translated by Barry Callaghan.
Poetry • 5.5 x 8.75 inches • 142 pages: 9780920428245
Only 3 copies available. Very rare, special limited edition, with an embossed cover.