Cracker Jacks for Misfits


Cracker Jacks for Misfits is a finely layered narrative of interconnected short stories about discovering independence, strength, and the power to love.

Naomi, Joanne, Jake and Marce find themselves caught in the crosshairs of modern-day chaos marked by urban claustrophobia and loneliness. They are searching for intimacy, hungry for human connection; looking for it online, in dive bars, on road trips, in unfamiliar bedrooms, on curbs outside house parties, and in hushed conversations with strangers.

This is a contemporary and poignant portrait of the moment when childhood becomes a new country of adult commitments… Discontent and over-connectivity joust with those responsibilities at the core of today’s society: understanding and respecting the strengths and frailties of those who we call friends, family – and the other.

5 x 8 inches, TPB, 198 pages