We endure the winter, but not in discontent. The leap of the heart is always there, our nicest girls marry snakes. We take on death directly, with delicacy, laughter and sensuality, as all great lovers do. We are lovers whether we like it or not: ironic, incubating in the gloom, diving into incoherent seas in seasons sweetly studded with arctic rhododendrons. We may, by mid-March, wear a smile like an old suit, but our dreams are more intense, more intimate, Adam and Eve in a drunken sleigh. This is an extraordinary collection because of its range, subtlety, slyness, confidence, and wryness. Here is a race of lovers.
Lords of Winter and of Love
A Book of Canadian Love Poems in English and French.
Edited with an introduction by Barry Callaghan.
Poetry 1983 • 6 x9 inches • PB 156 pages • 9780920428535
SKU: 761853f3a704
Categories: Poetry, Translations
Tags: 1983, anthology, bilingual edition, french poetry
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