An exceptional debut short story collection from a young writer wise beyond his years. Set in the urban heart of a big city, Playing Basra is a series of short stories linked by the careening exploits of three well-intentioned but reckless brothers – Mikey, Ray and Donny – who, along with their long-suffering mother, try to survive poverty and misfortune through sheer determination and bouts of petty crime.
Bouncing between hilarious and tragic at every turn – like a meeting between Hemingway and The Trailer Park Boys – Playing Basra tells the brothers’ story from joyrides to stealing bread to the dramatic conclusion as the family deals with the disastrous consequences of Donny’s enlistment and capture in an overseas war.
Brown’s vibrant style and engaging dialogue act out the quick but overwhelming experience of young men in turmoil, much like a winner-takes-all Basra card game. No reader will be left empty-handed!