The Sleeping Lady (Picas Reprint edition)


The snake’s undulations dazzle lunatic man as he fumbles at love’s door. The worm in his eye is woman shedding her several skins. The worm on his thigh is how love begins. Man, slinking through the cankered garden, fleeing God’s despair and the pestilential crowd of sobriety, craves her flesh, her diamond-pointed see-through skin in spirals. He sings his epithalamion — he is hers in dreams and bondage, following the umbilical cord back to the oval opening, lost among apples and Evangels, submerged in felicity and labial fire, risking hitmen in rubber suits and the nitro-bottled future — all for a glimpse of his olivaceous lover, sweet meats and incandescence, and a split tear. Love poems in the bloomed night, unzippered eels in the dust.

Poetry; 1979 • 6 x 9 inches • PB 99 pages • 9780920428108

Only 3 copies available. From the first year of releases by Exile Editions.

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