Wild Dog Rose Moon


Born in 1941 in a village in the Tsherkassy region of Ukraine, Vorobyov early on showed signs of brilliant as a poet. His poetry was first published in 1962. From 1965, he studied at the University of Kiev (philosophy and philology). In 1968, he was unjustly expelled from the university and put under KGB surveillance, his living quarters were searched, and he was not permitted to publish. In those years Vorobyov worked as a watchman and fireman, but continued writing poetry and also painted. In 1985, he was permitted to publish his first collection of poetry, after 18 years of silence. Since then, four collections of his poetry and two children’s books have appeared in Kiev, spearheading a resurgence of Ukrainian verse. This is his first translation into English.

Translation from Ukrainian by Myrosia Stefaniuk

Poetry; 1992 • 6 x 9 inches • PB 101 pages • 9781550960280



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